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The Uses of Enchantment (konferencja studencko-doktorancka), 2-3 VI 2011

The Uses of Enchantment (konferencja studencko-doktorancka), 2-3 VI 2011

Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ serdecznie zaprasza na międzynarodową konferencję zatytułowaną "The Uses of Enchantment: Magic In Fairy-Tales, Myths and Stories", która odbędzie się w dniach 2-3 czerwca 2011, w Collegium Maius w Krakowie (sala im. Bobrzyńskiego). Plan konferencji- poniżej.

Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ serdecznie zaprasza na międzynarodową konferencję zatytułowaną "The Uses of Enchantment: Magic In Fairy-Tales, Myths and Stories", która odbędzie się w dniach 2-3 czerwca 2011, w Collegium Maius w Krakowie (sala im. Bobrzyńskiego). Plan konferencji- poniżej.

II IFSR International Conference

"The Uses of Enchantment: Magic In Fairy-Tales, Myths and Stories"

Kraków, Jagiellonian University, 2-3.06.2011

Conference hall: Sala im. Michała Bobrzyńskiego – 2nd floor.

Collegium Maius, Jagiellońska street 15.


8.30-9.00 Registration

9.00-9.10 Conference opening, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Maria Flis.

Panel 1

Chair: Andrzej Szyjewski

9.10-9.25: Katarzyna Bajka, Symbols of magical transformation in Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market'.

9.25-9.40: Louise Holt, Reweaving the Fairy tale.

9.40-9.55: Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik, 'Art to enchant': Sycorax, Prospero/a and the Occult.

9.55-10.10: discussion

10.10-10.30: coffee break

Panel 2

Chair: Robert A. Segal

10.30-10.45: Krystyna Drat – Ruszczak, When magic doesn't work.

10.45-11.00: Eglë Savickaitë, Ingrida Šlepavičiűtë, Success: is it something predetermined or an opportunity to have influence on fate individually?

11.00-11.15: Deniz Aktan Küçük, The Demystification of Fairy-Tale Creatures in Ottoman Literature: Tevfik Fikret against Superstition

11.15-11.30: discussion

11.30-11.50: coffee break

Panel 3

Chair: Katarzyna Bajka

11.50-12.05: Renata Leśniakiewicz-Drzymała, Magician's Contract with the Devil:Sæmundr inn Fróði in Icelandic Fairy-Tales and Folk-Stories.

12.05-12.20: Piotr Sterczewski, Icelandic Folklore Reflected in Contemporary Icelandic Fiction. Motifs of Human-Animal Metamorphosis, Sorcerers' Sendings and Monstrous Creatures in 'The Blue Fox' by Sjón

12.20-12.35: Krzysztof Skonieczny, To Think as a Sorcerer. On One of Deleuze and Guattari's Conceptual Personae.

12.35-12.50 : discussion

12.50-14.20: dinner

14.20-15.30: Collegium Maius sightseeing tour

15.30-16.45: Guest Lecture: Robert A. Segal, Nineteenth- century versus twentieth-century approaches to myth.

Panel 4

Chair: Anna Walkowiak

16.45-17.00: Marijana Markovik, Macedonian Folktales and myths: the Perception of the Role and Character of Macedonian Woman.

17.00-17.15: Dorota Babilas, The Beauty of the Beast – the magic of the female gaze in myth and fairy-tale.

17.15-17.30: Pelin Aslan, The Transformation of Supernatural Genres In Early Modern Turkish Literature.

17.30-17.45: discussion


8.30-9.00 Registration

Panel 5

Chair: Zuzanna Szczerbanowska

9.00-9.15: Olexiy Bilyk, Enchantment in Philosophical Myths.

9.15-9.30: Elżbieta Wojnowska, Świat Tolkiena- podszyta magią mityczna walka Dobra ze Złem.

9.30-9.45: Aleksandra Niemyjska, When there is nobody, angels begin to fly: Supernatural beings images affected by loneliness.

9.45-10.00: discussion

10.00-10.20: coffee break

Panel 6

Chair: Scott Simpson

10.20-10.35: Leons Taivans, Filipino healer enchantment and Christian Shamanism.

10.35-10.50: Agnieszka Gondor-Wiercioch, Two faces of Trickster In Louise Erdrich's North Dakota Novels .

10.50-11.05: Anna Zaczkowska, Twilight - a modern vampire fairy tale in popular culture. Differences between the folkloric upir and vampire - perfect object of teenager love.

11.05-11.20: discussion

Panel 7

Chair: Małgorzata Zawiła

11.40:11.55: Adam Anczyk, The Image of Druids in Contemporary Culture: the History of a Myth.

11.55-12.10: Jacek B. Chlastawa, The Sorcerer's Apprentice in Hollywood. Magic objects in the "Indiana Jones" series and the Propp's scheme of fairy tale.

12.10-12.25: Marta Raczek, A Kind of Magic – some reflections on specific type of magic realism in Japanese anime series Death Note by Tsugumi Ôba.

12.25-12.40: discussion

12.40-13.00: coffee break

Panel 8

Chair: Andrzej Szyjewski

13.00-13.15: Miloš Blahút, The double meaning of magic and mystery in Tom Robbins' B is for Beer.

13.15-13.30: Piotr Grzegorz Michalik, Flying balls of fire in modern indigenous folklore of Mexico.

13.30-13.45: Zbigniew Łagosz, The figure of the Polish magician: Czesław Czyński (1858-1932)

13.45-14.00: discussion

14.00-15.30: dinner

15.30-16.30 Guest Lecture: Robert A. Segal, Are fairy tales better than myths?

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