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Afro-Brasilian Religions

Afro-Brasilian Religions

Zapraszamy na kurs "Afro-Brazilian religions: multiple religious identities and diaspora", który poprowadzi visiting professor Joanna Bahia (State University of Rio de Janeiro )

Afro-Brazilian religions: multiple religious identities and diaspora.

Prof Dr Joana Bahia

State University of Rio de Janeiro

Konwersatorium 60 godz., kurs kończy się egzaminem i odbywa się zdalnie w piątki wieczór. Liczba punktów ECTS: 6



This course aims to present the formation of the Black Atlantic space (Gilroy 1993) as a cultural and political system, understood as a transatlantic circuit of ideas, people and stories that encompasses the New World, Europe and Africa. The belief in a mythical Africa by diasporic communities has allowed the recreation of black cultures in different times and spaces.

Authors such as Matory (2005) have addressed transnational dialogues that bring African, Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Cuban and African initiates and uninitiates into contact with transatlantic black markets and an international community of researchers on these topics.   These diasporic connections have built exchange networks based on the circulation of goods, ideologies and cultural and religious practices. In this course we will present the formation of religious communities of Afro-Brazilian religions, especially Umbanda and Candomblé in Brazil, in the cities of Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. And also the importance of the studies of these religiosities in the field of social sciences in the works of Roger Bastide, Edson Carneiro and Pierre Verger.  Later we will analyse the growth of these religions to other states in Brazil and to other countries in Latin America and the world.  

We emphasise that globalisation in its contemporary forms has a great impact on the displacement of religious practices deeply linked to their traditions, territories and specific and notably national social groups.  Traditions that migrate from south to north, from the periphery to the centre, from east to west of the world map, and which paradoxically re-elaborate both the localisms reclaiming an ethnic-national identity and the cosmopolitanisms forging hybrid cultures. We analyse how Afro-Brazilian religions have expanded to the Americas and Europe dealing with the problems and new creative modes of religious translation, cultural improvisations and new ways of thinking about the body and ways of producing wellbeing.



Załącznik nr 4 do zarządzenia nr 118 Rektora UJ z 19 grudnia 2016 r.


Syllabus of a component of a degree programme


Name of a Faculty

Faculty of Philosophy

Name of unit conducting a component

Institute of Religious Studies

Name of a component

Afro-Brazilian religions: multiple religious identities and diaspora

International Standard Classification of Education ISCED


Language of education


Goals of education

Presenting the students with the fundaments of Afro-Brazilian religions, their believers’ identities and their diaspora

Learning outcomes of a component

The graduate knows and understands: 

  • REL_K2_W01:the relation between religion, culture and society in Brazil 
  • REL_K2_W04: major Afro-Brazilian religious traditions, their forms of expression, religious phenomena 
  • REL_K2_W07: main theoretical standpoints of Afro-Brazilian religious studies 

The graduate is able to: 

  • REL_K2_U01: expand his/her critical thinking; use spoken and written English to critically comment on the discussed topics
  • REL_K2_W04: collaborate with others

The graduate is ready to: 

  • REL_K2_K02: become engaged in academic initiatives and activities and to respect cultural heritage
  • REL_K2_K03: use the knowledge of religious studies for interpretation of the Afro-Brazilian religious studies phenomena 

Verification methods and assessment criteria of learning outcomes obtained by students

An academic essay

Type of a component


Year of study

1st or 2nd year of master program



Mode of study

On-line course with elements of stationary classes

Name and surname of the coordinator of a component and/or person/s conducting a component

Joana Bahia

Name and surname of person/s conducting an examination or granting credit - if it’s not a coordinator

Joana Bahia

Manner of completion  


Preliminary and additional requirements

Sufficient knowledge of the English language

Type and number of hours of courses requiring

direct participation of academic staff and students, if in a given component such courses are included


Number of ECTS credits assigned to a component


Balance of ECTS credits

Seminar: 60h

Self-study: 60h

Exam preparation: 30h

Total: 150h

Applied teaching methods

Lecture, conversational classes, visual aids, students’ projects

Form and conditions of passing a component, including conditions of allowing to take an examination, as well as form and conditions of passing each type of courses included in a given component

An academic essay in English on a provided topic

Content of a module (with division into forms of courses completion)

This course aims to present the formation of the Black Atlantic space as a cultural and political system, understood as a transatlantic circuit of ideas, people and stories that encompasses the New World, Europe and Africa. The belief in a mythical Africa by diasporic communities has allowed the recreation of black cultures in different times and spaces. These diasporic connections have built exchange networks based on the circulation of goods, ideologies and cultural and religious practices. In this course we will present the formation of religious communities of Afro-Brazilian religions, especially Umbanda and Candomblé in Brazil, in the cities of Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, taking advantage of works of Roger Bastide, Edson Carneiro and Pierre Verger. We will analyze the expansion of these religions to other cities and states in Brazil and to other countries in Latin America and the world.

We emphasize that globalization in its contemporary forms has a great impact on religious practices deeply linked to their traditions, territories and specific social groups, paradoxically re-elaborating both localisms with ethnic-national identities and cosmopolitanisms forging hybrid cultures. We will analyze how Afro-Brazilian religions have been expanding to the Americas and Europe, effectively dealing with  creative modes of religious translation, cultural improvisations and new ways of thinking about the body and ways of producing wellbeing.

The course is divided into five major themes: 1. Introduction to Afro-Brazilian Religions; 2. Afro-Brazilian anthropological studies (Nina Rodrigues, Edson Carneiro, Roger Bastide); 3. Afro-Brazilian syncretisms; 4. Growth of black movements and their connections with religious intolerance; 5. New Afro-Religious diasporas, transnationalization, continuities and ruptures

List of basic as well as supplementary literature, knowledge of which is required in order to pass a given component

BAHIA, Joana. Dancing with the orishas. Music, Body and the Circulation of African Candomblé Symbols in Germany. Leiden, African Diaspora,2016.

BASTIDE, Roger. The African religions of Brazil. Toward a sociology of the interpenetration of civilizations. Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.

CAPONE, Stefania. Searching for Africa in Brazil: Power and Tradition in Candomblé. Durham e Londres, Duke University Press, 2010.

CARNEIRO, Edison. [1948]. Candomblés de Bahia. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira,  1986.

CARNEIRO, Edison. “The Structure of African Cults in Bahia”, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 53, 1940. P.271-278.

CASTILLO, Lisa Earl. Bamboxê Obitikô and the Nineteenth-Century Expansion of Orisha Worship in Brazil. Tempo (Niterói, online) | Vol. 22 n. 39. p.126-153, jan-abr.,2016.

GILROY, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993.

GOOREN, H. P. P. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Germany, Springer, 2019.

HERSKOVITS, M. Some economic aspects of the Afrobahian Candomblé [in:] Miscelanea Paul Rivet Dicata, vol. II, Mexico, 1958, pp. 226–247.

MATORY, Lorand. Black Atlantic Religion. Tradition, Transnationalism and Matriarchy in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2005.

OLUPONA, Jacob K. et REY, Terry. (éds.), Òrìsà Devotion as World Religion: The Globalization of Yorùbá Religious Culture, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2007.

OOSTERBAAN, Martijn, VAN DE KAMP, Linda and BAHIA, Joana. Global Trajectories of Brazilian Religion: Lusospheres. Bloomsbury, 2020.

PALMIÉ, Stephan. Against Syncretism: Africanizing and Cubanizing Discourses in North American Òrìsà-Worship. In R. Fardon, ed., Counterworks: Managing Diverse Knowledge. London: Routledge, pp. 73-104.

PARÉS, Luis Nicolau and SANSI, Roger.  Sorcery in the Black Atlantic. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011.

ROSSBACH DE OLMOS, Lioba.  Santeria Abroad. The Short History of an Afro-Cuban Religion in Germany by Means of Biographies of Some of Its Priests, “Anthropos” 2009, no. 104, pp. 483–497.

KNIGHT, Franklin W. and GATES JR, Henry Louis. Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Oxford University Press, 2016.

SOUTY, Jérôme. Pierre Fatumbi Verger.Du regard détaché à la connaissance initiatique. Hémishèphes editions, 2020.

VIEIRA, Caroline and NOGUEIRA, Farlen de Jesus. The Generals of the Band: Music and the Black Diaspora in the Carioca Artistic Scene. Studia Religiologica, 2018, Tom 51, Nr 4, s. 233-246.

Supplementary bibliography:

CASTILLO, Lisa Earl. Between memory, myth and history. Transatlantic Voyagers of the Casa Branca Temple. In ARAUJO, Ana Lucia. Paths of the Atlantic slave trade : interactions, identities, and images. New York, Cambria Press, 2011. P.203-237.

HERSKOVITS, M. The New World Negro: Selected Papers in Afro-American Studies, Bloomington 1966.


MARCUS, Georges. Ethnography in/of the World System: the Emergence of Multi-sited Ethnography , The Annual Review of Anthropology, n ° 24, 1995, p. 95-117.

MOTTA, Roberto and SIUDA-AMBROZIAK, Renata. The Sacrifice, the Feast and the Power of the Priesthood in the Xangô Cult of Recife . Studia Religiologica, 2018, Tom 51, Numer 4, s. 279–295. 

NINA RODRIGUES, Raymundo. O Animismo Fetichista dos Negros Bahianos, Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1935.

RAMOS, Artur. Foreign research on Brazilian Blacks VIBRANT - Vibrant Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, vol. 7, núm. 1, junio, 2010, pp. 11-19.

VIEIRA, Caroline and BAHIA, Joana. Yaô Africano : the Orixá in the Voice of Patricio Teixeira. Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review, (26), 2020: 39-62.



BAHIA, Joana. Dancing with the orishas. Music, Body and the Circulation of African Candomblé Symbols in Germany. Leiden, African Diaspora,2016.

BASTIDE, Roger. The African religions of Brazil. Toward a sociology of the interpenetration of civilizations. Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.

CAPONE, Stefania. Searching for Africa in Brazil: Power and Tradition in Candomblé. Durham e Londres, Duke University Press, 2010.

CARNEIRO, Edison. [1948]. Candomblés de Bahia. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira,  1986.

CARNEIRO, Edison. “The Structure of African Cults in Bahia”, Journal of American Folk-Lore, 53, 1940. P.271-278.

CASTILLO, Lisa Earl. Bamboxê Obitikô and the Nineteenth-Century Expansion of Orisha Worship in Brazil. Tempo (Niterói, online) | Vol. 22 n. 39. p.126-153, jan-abr.,2016.

GILROY, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993.

GOOREN, H. P. P. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Germany, Springer, 2019.

HERSKOVITS, M. Some economic aspects of the Afrobahian Candomblé [in:] Miscelanea Paul Rivet Dicata, vol. II, Mexico, 1958, pp. 226–247.

MATORY, Lorand. Black Atlantic Religion. Tradition, Transnationalism and Matriarchy in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2005.

OLUPONA, Jacob K. et REY, Terry. (éds.), Òrìsà Devotion as World Religion: The Globalization of Yorùbá Religious Culture, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2007.

OOSTERBAAN, Martijn, VAN DE KAMP, Linda and BAHIA, Joana. Global Trajectories of Brazilian Religion: Lusospheres. Bloomsbury, 2020.

PALMIÉ, Stephan. Against Syncretism: Africanizing and Cubanizing Discourses in North American Òrìsà-Worship. In R. Fardon, ed., Counterworks: Managing Diverse Knowledge. London: Routledge, pp. 73-104.

PARÉS, Luis Nicolau and SANSI, Roger.  Sorcery in the Black Atlantic. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2011.

ROSSBACH DE OLMOS, Lioba.  Santeria Abroad. The Short History of an Afro-Cuban Religion in Germany by Means of Biographies of Some of Its Priests, “Anthropos” 2009, no. 104, pp. 483–497.

KNIGHT, Franklin W. and GATES JR, Henry Louis. Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Oxford University Press, 2016.

SOUTY, Jérôme. Pierre Fatumbi Verger.Du regard détaché à la connaissance initiatique. Hémishèphes editions, 2020.

VIEIRA, Caroline and NOGUEIRA, Farlen de Jesus. The Generals of the Band: Music and the Black Diaspora in the Carioca Artistic Scene. Studia Religiologica, 2018, Tom 51, Numer 4, s. 233-246.


Supplementary bibliography:

CASTILLO, Lisa Earl. Between memory, myth and history. Transatlantic Voyagers of the Casa Branca Temple. In ARAUJO, Ana Lucia. Paths of the Atlantic slave trade : interactions, identities, and images. New York, Cambria Press, 2011. P.203-237.

HERSKOVITS, M. The New World Negro: Selected Papers in Afro-American Studies, Bloomington 1966.

JOURNAL STUDIA RELIGIOLOGICA, Tom 51, Nummer 3 /4, 2018. Edited by Przybył-Sadowska, Elżbieta   

MARCUS, Georges. Ethnography in/of the World System: the Emergence of Multi-sited Ethnography , The Annual Review of Anthropology, n ° 24, 1995, p. 95-117.

MOTTA, Roberto and SIUDA-AMBROZIAK, Renata. The Sacrifice, the Feast and the Power of the Priesthood in the Xangô Cult of Recife . Studia Religiologica, 2018, Tom 51, Numer 4, s. 279–295.  

NINA RODRIGUES, Raymundo. O Animismo Fetichista dos Negros Bahianos, Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1935.

RAMOS, Artur. Foreign research on Brazilian Blacks VIBRANT - Vibrant Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, vol. 7, núm. 1, junio, 2010, pp. 11-19.

VIEIRA, Caroline and BAHIA, Joana. Yaô Africano : the Orixá in the Voice of Patricio Teixeira. Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review, (26), 2020: 39-62.