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Religions: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives I, 12-14 September 2012

Religions: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives I, 12-14 September 2012

The First International Krakow Study of Religions Symposium 12-14 September 2012

International Journal "Studia Religiologica",
Institute for the Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University

Conference Programme:

Wednesday, 12th September 2012
09:00-10:00 Accreditation desk, Collegium Novum
10:00-14:00 venue: Aula Tischnera, Collegium Witkowskiego
10:00-10:15 Welcome

10:15-11:45 Plenary session: Grace Davie, Belief and Unbelief: Two Sides of a Coin
Chair: Dominika Motak

11:45-12:15 Coffee break

12:15-13:30 Plenary session: Arnold Lebeuf, Marital Exchange and Cannibalism
Chair: Andrzej Szyjewski
13:30-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:30 Parallel sessions

Session 1: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Arnold Lebeuf
Katarzyna Bajka, Quest for a modern myth – orality in pop-culture hypothesis
Andrzej Szyjewski, „Order of orders": on sacredness of mythological systems
Natalia Zawiejska, Religion and Media. Media Analysis within the Study of Religion

Session 2: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Barnaba Maj
Halina Marlewicz, Love breaks open in the relatedness of an 'Encounter.' The metaphysics of 'Encounter' in religious hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer
Dominika Motak, The relationship between religion and monetary economy in Georg Simmel's thought
Sonia Kamińska, What can grow from the divine seed? The divinity of human beings according to Aristotle

16:30-17:00 Coffee break

17:00-19:00 Parallel sessions:
Session 3: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Katarzyna Bajka
Ali Naqi Baqershahi, How Can God and Evil Exist at the Same Time? Islamic and Christian Approach
Daniel Platek, Between Religion and Politics. Islam in the Public Sphere
Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł, Borders between Christianity and Islam in Ethiopia
Paul Shrell-Fox, Judaism in Scientific Perspective

Session 4: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska
Jacek B. Chlastawa, Między pogaństwem a chrześcijaństwem. Chrystianizacja obrządku pogrzebowego na przykładzie wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzysk wielkopolskich
Ewa Kwiatkowska, O badaniu mitu w kontekście niektórych zwrotów kulturalistycznych
Elżbieta Przybył- Sadowska, Tradycja ustna a materiały źródłowe w historii religii (na przykładzie badań historii Zakładu Towarzystwa Opieki nad Ociemniałymi w Laskach)
Lech Trzcionkowski, Powrót bogów greckich. Historia i teoria kognitywna w badaniach nad panteonem greckim

Thursday, 13th September
10:00-14:00 venue: Aula Tischnera, Collegium Witkowskiego
10:00–12:30 Plenary session: Ralph W. Hood, The Ambiguity of the Signs in Primitive Pentecostalism
Chair: Dominika Motak

11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00-13:30 Author Meets Critics: Marta Trzebiatowska, Steve Bruce Why Are Women More Religious Than Men?
Respondent: Chia Longman
Chair: Grace Davie
13:30-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:30 Parallel sessions:
Session 5: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Małgorzata Sacha
Marton Barsony, God's Clown
Halina Grzymała- Moszczyńska,, Katarzyna Adamczyk, Karol Wolski, 'Participats ' vs. 'Non-Participants'. Characteristics of Polish immigrants to UK who cease to attend masses in Roman-Catholic Church upon arrival to UK in comparison to their compatriots who still actively participate in the life of Church in UK
Zofia Grudzińska, Please, God... Prayer and its functions in narratives based on projective method of research. Religious Aperception Test
Session 6: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Marta Trzebiatowska
Andy Borella, Anthropological reflections on the Amish form of religiosity
Noemi Modnicka, An Anthropological Study of the Humor of Polish Evangelicalism
Reka Szilardi, Questions of Ethno-Nationalism: Identity Match in Contemporary Hungarian Paganism
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:30 Parallel sessions:
Session 7: (venue: sala Senacka)
Chair: Ralph W. Hood
Dariusz Krok, Religion and meaning in life in the perspective of religious meaning system: Theory and research
Moritz Deecke, Preliminary Ideas about an Integral Theory of Ecstasy
Paweł M. Socha, Do we need to break a lance in favor of the scientific status of research on spirituality? Spirituality explicit and implicit
Session 8: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Chia Longman
Colin B. Chapell, Pure and Manly Love: Gender and Transformational Religion In the American South
Dorota Hall, The religious individualism and studies on LGBT religiosities
Julia Schwartzmann, A Book of One's Own : Orthodox Jewish Women Facing Spirituality
Friday 14th September
10:00-12:00 Parallel sessions:
Session 9: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Julia Schwartzmann
Frans Jespers, Qualifying secular sacralizations
Marcin Lisak, Democratization of a hierarchical religion: the Catholic Church in the Global Age
Wojciech Kosior, Humane versus Divine Authority in Rabbinic Judaism. Some Remarks on the Academic Talmud Studies
Session 10: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Elżbieta Przybył- Sadowska
Adam Bieniek, Cywilizacja islamu a problem obiektywizacji badań nad religiami
Grzegorz Kubiński, Figury liminalne jako kategoria opisu ponowoczesnej estetyzacji zachowań religijnych
Paweł Stachowiak, Kościelna „kultura pamięci". Kościół katolicki w Polsce jako uczestnik działań w sferze „polityki wobec pamięci zbiorowej"
Marta Turkot, Religia w perspektywie filozofii polityki. Spór współczesnych liberałów i komunitarian o miejsce i rolę religii w społeczeństwie
12:00-12:30 Coffee break
12:30-14:00 Parallel sessions
Session 11: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Katarzyna Bajka
Magdalena Lubańska, Agata Ładykowska, Orthodox Christianity: on the peripheries of Christianity, anthropological theory, and the persistence of the Protestant bias
Mariane Kupin, Religious Toleration on Frontiers: The Case Study of Amicable Religious Coexistence In the Late Medieval Balkans/ Early Otoman Period
Nikolay Tsyrempilov, 'Malefic superstition' or 'Best infidelity'. Buddhism in Orthodox Christian publicism of the 19th-early 20th century
Session 12: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Halina Grzymała- Moszczyńska
Kevin L. Ladd, What if Prayer is Not about Making Meaning?
Małgorzata Kalinowska, Religious and sacred symbolism In collective memory phenomena as a representation of defenses against trauma
Małgorzata Sacha, On the edge of possession: Some psychoanalytical notes on the samāveśa as a tantric practice
14:00-16:00 Lunch break
16:00-17:00 Parallel sessions:
Session 13: (venue: sala Senacka, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Dominika Motak
Jakub Gomułka, Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion as a kind of apophatic theology
Majid Mollayousefi, The Influences of Religiosity on Ethics from Quran's View
Session 14: (venue: sala 30, Collegium Novum)
Chair: Andrzej Szyjewski
Jan Polívka, Laboratory Bali: Critical review of Clifford Geertz's visions
Marko Veisson, Ritual Studies as a tool for social analyses: debates on Gurunsi widowhood rituals in North-Eastern Ghana
17:00-17:30 Coffee break
Clossing session: venue: Aula Collegium Novum
17:30-19:00 Barnaba Maj, The revolutionary "theology" of Georg Büchner
Chair: Halina Grzymała- Moszczyńska

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