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dr Natalia Zawiejska

dr Natalia Zawiejska


Natalia's field is social anthropology and sociology of religion. She holds MA and PhD in religious studies and a postgraduate degree in curatorial studies in the field of contemporary art. She was granted several scholarships such a DAAD and Erasmus. She participated in research projects affiliated in the ICS UL in Lisbon (researcher) and at the SOAS in London (visiting scholar). Her main area of interest is religion in the contemporary world. Her main research field is religion in contemporary Africa with focus on Angola and Cape Verde, Lusophone countries and African diasporas in Europe. The postcolonial approach is particularly close to her. She is interested in material religion, spatial turn in the study of religion, relation between religion and art, museum and exhibiting practices. She approaches religion in terms of social imagination. She specializes in the study of Pentecostalism.

She has conducted field research in Angola, Cape Verde, Portugal, Great Britain and Poland.

Her latest research project concerns the relationship between religion and urbanity in Poland:


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  • Critical Religion Studies
  • Engaged Religious Studies
  • Religion in a Post-Colonial Perspective
  • Religion in Africa and in the Lusophone World
  • Urbanity and Religion
  • Queer and Religion in Africa
  • Religion and Media
  • Religion and Material Culture
  • Art, Museum, Imagination
  • Pentecostalism

Project leader: Trajektorie angolskiego kościoła Bom Deus w Brazylii [Trajectories of the Angolan Bom Deus church in Brasil], MiniGRANTY POB Heritage 2021, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, IDUJ. 2021.

Project leader: Dynamika angolskiego kościoła Bom Deus na Wyspach Zielonego Przylądka [Dynamics of the Angolan Bom Deus church in Cape Vert] MiniGRANTY POB Heritage 2021, Uniwersytet Jagielloński IDUJ. 2021

With prof. Martin Radermacher, CERES Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Die materielle Dimension des Kultur-und Religionskontaktes am Beispiel ausgewählter missionsgeschichtlicher Sammlungen in Deutschland und Polen, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG. 2021

Project leader. Grant OPUS 19, Religia i miejskość. Mapowanie i powiązanie pól religijnych we współczesnych polskich miastach, finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki (nr projektu 2020/37/B/HS1/02363). 2021-2024

Project leader. Grant ETIUDA, pt.: Angolscy chrześcijanie w Portugalii. Procesy konstrukcji tożsamości wspólnot ewangelikalnych w warunkach migracji, przyznanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki, (nr projektu: 2015/16/T/HS1/00185). 2015-2017

Project leader. Grant PRELUDIUM 7, pt.: Procesy tożsamościowe w angolskich wspólnotach ewangelikalnych w Portugalii, przyznanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki, nr 2014/13/N/HS1/00810. 2015-2016.

Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, ICS. Stanowisko badawcze: członek międzynarodowego zespołu badawczego w projekcie: A Politica da Esperança: o Papel das Igrejas na Reconstrução da Angola de Pós-guerra [The Politics of Hope: Churches and the Weaving of Society in Post-War Angola], nr PTDC/CS-ANT/112897/2009, Finansowany przez FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), prowdzony przez Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS UL). Kierownik projektu: prof. Ramon Sarró. 2013-2014.

With Anna M. Maćkowiak. Religion and Biopolitics in the Time of Corona: The Catholic Feast of Corpus Christi in a Polish City, The Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture Vol. 16, No.1 (2022), forthcoming.

Angola. In Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism, eds. Michael Wilkinson, Connie Au, Jörg Haustein, Todd Johnson, Erica Ramirez. Brill: Leiden 2021

With Ruy Blanes. Pentecostal Antirevolution. Reflections from Angola. Journal of Religion in Africa, 41.1 2019 [2020]

Chrześcijańskie Kościoły w Angoli i angolskie polityki tożsamości. Przypadek Kościoła Bom Deus [Christian Churches in Angola and the Identity Politics], Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia (10) 2018.

Guest Editor. Special Issue: Pentecostalism in the Lusophone World. PentecoStudies, Vol. 17.1 2018.

Introduction: Pentecostalism and the Lusophone framing, PentecoStudies, Vol. 17.1 2018.

With Linda van de Kamp. The Multi-Polarity of Angolan Pentecostalism: Connections and Belongings. PentecoStudies, Vol. 17. 1 2018.

O Templo Central da Igreja do Bom Deus [The Central Temple of Bom Deus Church]. In Ramon Sarró, Ruy Blanes, eds. Paisagens e Memórias Religiosas em Angola. Um Itinerário (Volume 1), Currents of Faith, Places of History: Lisboa 2017

„Gdyby nie Bóg”. Religia w służbie Angoli [If it wasn’t God. Religion on the duty in Angola]. Miesięcznik Znak. 717. 2 2015.

Ewangelikalne geografie postkolonialnej Lizbony [Evangelical Geographies of Postcolonial Lisbon], Prace Etnograficzne Vol. 42. 1 2014

Słowo Wstępne [Introduction]. In. Timór Lorosa’e. Czasopismo Roman. Instytut Filologii Romańskiej UJ. Numer Specjalny. Maj 2012.

Translation: Cardoso L., Crónica de Uma Travessía. In. Timór Lorosa’e. Czasopismo Roman. Instytut Filologii Romańskiej UJ. Numer Specjalny. Maj 2012.

Religia a praktyka sztuk wizualnych w Afryce Subsaharyjskiej [Religion and the Visual Arts in Sub-Saharan Africa]. In. Szkice z fenomenologii, filozofii i antropologii religii [Selection of Phenomenology, Philosophy and Anthropology of Religion]. Kwartalnik Religioznawczy Nomos. 2011.

Dualizm w mitach wyspy Timor; krokodyl płynie między Niebem i Ziemią [Dualism in Timor Island Mythology; The Crocodile Swims between the Earth and the Sea]. In. Z badań nad mitem [The Myth Research]. ed. Kazimiera Mikoś. Kwartalnik Religioznawczy Nomos. 2008.


  • Pentecostalism and Charismatic Movements (Una Europa network)
  • Religion in African Social Experience
  • City, Space and Religion
  • Religion and the City
  • Identity and Religion
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Religious Studies
  • History of the Science of Religion
  • Social Sciences Research Methods in the Study of Religion
  • Theory of Religion
  • Religion, culture, media
  • Qualitative Research Methods

Currently taught courses in USOS